My Money Counts is a proposed educational budgeting initiative project, initiated by the Monetary Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) with St John of God Community Services and IADT. In collaboration with MABS, this project proposes developing a mobile/iPad application with rich user experience .This application would provide users with rich graphics and data visualisations and assist users with learning difficulties or cognitive impairments in managing their finances. This application will also be helpful for older users or users with mathematical difficulties. The vision is to develop a fully responsive mobile application that is sensitive to the user’s needs.
While taking into consideration that many people with special learning needs or impairments may not be able to acquire such sophisticated decision-making skills, there are a number of studies that show that people with cognitive impairments can be assisted to make more effective decisions (Davies et al, 2003). Research will focus on promoting the self-determination of people with disabilities. Best practices in the fields of transition services, vocational rehabilitation are concentrating on person-focused and self-directed supports that enable persons with disabilities to have a meaningful voice in making their own choices and in managing their own finances (Wehmeyer, 2001). Research plays a significant role in designing, implementing, and providing supports needed to achieve that greater control over decisions that impact their lives. My Money Counts application will be a technology assisted decision making tool for these users.
Davies D., Stock S., M. L. W. (2003). “A Palmtop Computer-Based Intelligent Aid to Increase Independent Decision Making.” Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 28(4): 182-193.
Wehmeyer, M. L., Agran, M., & Hughes, C. (2001). Teaching self-determination to students with disabilities: Basic skills for successful transition. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.