St John of God Community Services

Saint John of God is an international organisation providing a range of health and social care services for children and adults. They work in partnership with government departments, health and educational authorities and other statutory and voluntary agencies.

In Ireland,they provide services in the areas of intellectual disability, mental health and older people.

Their aim is to support individuals to develop the attitudes, knowledge and skills necessary for quality of life and fulfillment.


They provide programmes and services which enable people to achieve their life goals. They also provide support and guidance to families, working in partnership with government departments, health and educational authorities and other statutory and voluntary agencies.

They operate HSE (Health Service Executive) funded services across intellectual disability, adult mental health and child and adolescent psychiatry. Commumity services support approximately 6,800 children and adults annually with over 3,000 staff and volunteers, including  members of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God.There is further information here about St John of God Community Services.