Category:SeminarsThe partners from Lets go Skills were joined ABC for their Workshop on DisAbuse and Disablist Bullying at the World Anti Bullying Forum. Prof. Mona O’Moore, Lian McGuire, Fiona Weldon, Irene Connolly & Marian McDonnell delivered a workshop presentation Tuesday June 4th at 10.30 in the Helix theatre at Dublin City University, Dublin.
The workshop showed that DisAbuse aims to empower young people (15+) and adults with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEN/D) and their support services / care workers and teachers to educate about and take charge around the issue of disablist bullying to help prevent and intervene in it’s happening.
By drawing on the direct input and experiences of people with SEN/D, alongside international research and best practice for educating about disablist bullying and utilising techniques such as
•partnered learning
•peer learning
•Lego Serious Play
Dominik Hermann
June 20, 2019at 1:14 pmIt was a really brilliant workshop. It is pioneering work.
October 11, 2019at 10:30 pmThank you Dominik for your encouragement.